Brands - Wind assessment
Carmanah is a Canadian company with common shares listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
It represents one of the most trusted names in solar technology and its good reputation is due to the strongness and effectiveness of its products, that are used for industrial applications worldwide.
Even in the world's harshest environments, Carmanah solar LED lights and solar power systems provide a durable, dependable and cost effective energy alternative.
Carmanah specialises in self-contained solar LED lighting and solar power solutions within these markets: Outdoor Lighting, Aviation and Obstruction, Marine, Traffic, Grid-Tie, Go Power! / Mobile.
OL2A - Solar Safety Light
The OL2A is a solar marking light ideal for marking haul roads, barricades, obstacles and other hazards in mining, obstruction and construction zones. This compact, self-contained marking solution provides premium reliability and excellent value for use in hard-to-access locations.
OL800 Solar Obstruction Light - Low Intensity
The OL800 features higher intensities and and new user features. Available in three engine sizes, the OL800 meets ICAO Type A and B, FAA L-810 and Casa 10 cd photometric requirements.
OL2000 Solar Obstruction Light - Medium Intensity
The OL2000 offers all of the benefits of solar technology in a medium-intensity obstruction marking package. AC and Solar options available.