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Brands - Wind assessment

ZephIR Lidar provides ground-based hub height or turbine-mounted advanced accurate wind measurements for wind energy and meteorological applications onshore and offshore with leading wind lidar products, ZephIR 300 and ZephIR DM.
With 3 year warranty and support, 3 year service interval and DNV GL Stage 3 bankable status ZephIR Lidar accuracy and support is unmatched. Wind assessments can be performed throughout the project lifecycle with ZephIR 300 from site prospecting to full bankable Annual Energy Predictions (AEP) with limited or no on-site met mast data. Performance assessments can be performed by ZephIR DM on operational sites either ground-based or on-nacelle – a unique property of the Dual Mode (DM) system provided by ZephIR Lidar.

ZephIR 300M – Offshore Wind Lidar
ZephIR 300M Wind Lidar delivers ‘finance grade’ wind data offshore at a reduced cost compared to traditional anemometry often comprising tall met mast structures and seabed foundations. ZephIR is flexible; deployable on fixed or floating platforms and reduces your offshore wind energy project risks including financial, data uncertainty and health & safety.
ZX 300
ZephIR 300 - Onshore Wind Lidar
The industry’s most validated wind lidar1 for ground-based, 10 metre to 200+ metre wind measurements ideal for site resource assessment, power curve measurements and bankable Annual Energy Prediction (AEP) campaigns at the lowest cost of lidar ownership available and a 3 year ZephIR Care warranty as standard onshore with no requirement for annual servicing or calibration.