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wind assessment Catalogue
wireless Catalogue


UHF / VHF radio modems for data transmission among radio modems located several kilometres apart. Suitable for both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radio networks. Can work as repeaters as well.
A solution independent from mobile and satellite operators, with no cost of associated traffic. They can be used to implement radio networks both on private and on free frequencies.

UHF Radio Modems (NMS)
UHF radio modems available both in the standard version and in that with advanced Network Management Software (NMS).
NMS permits to:
• Design
• Manage and re-configure
• Monitor
• Remote test a radio modem network also through an Ethernet-IP network or via the Web.
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Licence free UHF Radio Modems
UHF radio modems operating on those frequencies made free by the ETSI ‘European Telecommunications Standards Institute’ for industrial, scientific and medical uses: the 868 ... 870 MHz band is divided into sub-bands according to transmit power (max 0.5W) and duty cycle allowed for the transmitter.
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VHF Radio Modems - NMS
VHF radio modems with advanced Network Management Software (NMS).
NMS permits to:
• Design
• Manage and re-configure
• Monitor
• Remote test a radio modem network also through an Ethernet-IP network or via the Web.
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